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Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Diary Entry - 30th November, 1915

I spent a better night and feel much better, with my temperature back at normal. The doc visits before breakfast and seems satisfied, but he says the day must be spent in doors. I spent most of the morning writing letters. After lunch, the Bosch seek about the La Bassée road, behind us, with pip squeaks – in fact, pip squeaks are becoming a habit, but they are not taken much notice of when cover of any sort is handy. Retire to bed soon after dinner.


  1. Ah, now I read this yesterday and have to confess to never having read Chatwin. I googled the book and found it to be set in Wales which piqued my interest as my maternal grandmother came from Wales as a warbride in 1919. So I looked in the Customs HOuse Library and they had NO Chatwin. I looked in the Berkelouw Outlet in Edgecliff, and again NO Chatwin. I shall look in Dymocks on George St while in town on Friday. I know I can rely on Dymocks.

  2. Or Gleebooks? I read the other day that Chatwin's gone out of fashion - Abebooks is always good for finding writers that have gone out of fashion.
