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Sunday 27 November 2011

Letter Home (Bee) - 26th November, 1916

15th Battery, RFA

Dear Mother and Father,

Well, I am back with my Battery again, after a rather rotten trip but not nearly as bad as going over. MIldred made me up a parcel of food, which came in very handy. The leave is going better now than when I went over. They have made more preparation and are making it more of a business and are giving ten days instead of eight, which is rather unlucky from my point of view. I must say I enjoyed my leave very much and mapped my doings out according to my time. I spent the best part of one day at the Base, at the Officers' Club, and met Ronald Cumming, who had just come out. In fact, the division he is with had not arrived. He is on the staff and had only come over to make preparations. I also met Jack Russell who looks very well but has had a bad time. He has had an abscess in his mouth. The poor boy had been sitting there four days, waiting for his boat to sail.

What great rains you have had. The spring must have been wonderful. We are still having a lot of rain and, in recent shows, men have been taken prisoners through merely getting bogged in the mud. It reminds me very much of a fly-paper. You get bogged at night and the Hun comes out and bags you. Of course, we get prisoners the same way.

I missed the last show. It took place while I was on leave. There is no doubt it gave the Hun a great surprise and caught him unawares. Our people got no end of loot out of his dugouts. He was evidently convinced that nobody could possibly move during such weather. We find the Hun telephones wonderful things and are proud to say we are the possessors of one or two taken at Beaumont Hamel. We have great hopes of going out to rest shortly, which I hope happens. A rest and leave for the men will work wonders.

Walford got away for his 3rd leave the night before last. I heard from Jack last night. He, poor soul, has been sent to another school. He must be getting sick of schools as he has been to so many. He also tells me he has no chance of getting leave for six months. There is a new order out that no-one can go on leave until they have been in the country for six months.

We have been very unlucky in our mails lately. Have only had one in the last month but, when they do come, they ought to come in large numbers.

Very best love from your loving son


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